Roasted Vegetables for the Week



Salt and Grapeseed Oil (or another high temp nice oil)

4 Medium yams (the orange things)
2 Cups Brussel Sprouts, bottoms trimmed and halved
1 Bunch Asparagus  
1 Onion
1 head cauliflower
1 Red Peppers
Anything really


Clean and cut your veg into uniform pieces. Because veg cook at different times and temps, we’re going to organize a little. In one bowl place your 2 inch cubed yams. In another your Brussel Sprouts and Cauliflower, inch diameter rounds are nice. Then your inch sliced peppers and quartered onions. Asparagus on its own. Alternatively, you can use the same bowl and do this in batches, which I could’ve said first like a sane person.

In each bowl drizzle lightly with olive oil, seasoning with salt and pepper. Give them each a gentle stir or shake to coat.

Set oven at 425F. Line baking sheet with foil or parchment (if using parchment make sure there isn’t any overhang).

Cook: Yams, and, Onions and Peppers for 25 - 30 minutes, or until brown and tender, tossing once.
Cook: B. Sprouts and Cauliflower 20-25 minutes, or, until darkened/ blackened and tender
Cook: Asparagus for 8 minutes, or, until bright green, crisp, and slightly tender.

Store in refrigerator to use in meal preps for the week, blend into sauces, or to look at when you’re feeling lonely.

Chloe Popove